Holly Baker

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It is hard to believe this was almost exactly 1 year ago...

These pictures were taken the day we found out that Wren was on her way. It was a Friday as well and Sean had just put these baskets on both of our bikes so that Rosy and Mung Kee could enjoy the feeling of wind blowing on their faces.
The title of our blog is obviously a play on the phrase "Life in the fast lane", which is very suiting because Sean is a true speed demon. He loves fast cars, boats, motorcycles, basically anything that moves at high speeds. Which is not always a good thing...
About a year and a half ago we got a phone call in the middle of the night from the security service at Sean's restaurant that something set the alarm off. It was 2 am on a Monday night, well below 0 degrees outside, and in a rush to get there and meet the police Sean went a little too fast on the freeway. When Sean phoned I was eager to hear what the situation was, but I was not even a little surprised when he told me that he was pulled over on the shoulder while a sheriff was checking out his liscence and registration. "Typical" was my first response. Well, it turns out that Sean thought that the unmarked cruiser was some crazy man following him so of course he sped up (smart huh? LOL), which then in turn caused that sheriff to call for back up.
To make a long story short, it turns out that the alarm was a false alarm but Sean ended up getting patted down on the hood of our SUV by mutiple officers, accused of being a drug dealer or addict, was *this* close to having the car impounded (74 over the limit will do that I hear) and was lucky to only have a date with a judge. That date is next week, so wish Sean a little good luck that he is not given the maximum sentance ($2,000 fine and 60 day suspension). In a good turn of events he has been speeding ticket free since that night, which is probably twice as long as he has ever gone since he got his liscence... I think it's safe to say he learned his lesson.