Holly Baker

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Since I don't want you all to think I am neglecting you (I could never do that), I just wanted to pop in and say that I might be a little quiet this week. Not my real life, just the blog...

In fact this is shaping up to be the busiest week of the year, but then again we are less than 8 weeks in so the bar isn't too high.

Before we catch up on let's say Thursday or Friday we will have checked all the following items off this list:
-Sean picking up new car (actually an old car, but new to us)
-Holly to have completed painting 8 dining room chairs, 2 shelfs and dining table (Hi Annette!), 1 antique dresser (Hi Dennise!), a king and queen chair (Hi Julie!), another dresser (Hi Avelyn & Ryan!), 2 more chairs (Hi Debbie!). Whew! I'm tired just typing that~
-Sean to demolish laundry room
-Holly & Sean to deliver furniture
-Holly, Sean & Wren to pick up new tiles and beadboard for laundry room
-Holly & Sean to hopefully eat at some point
-maybe sleep.

But we should be back to our regular scheduled blogging by the end of the week~

Au revoir!