Holly Baker

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Hi friends!! I feel like I have been away forever even though it has only been a few days. With the warm, but humid, weather we have been beating the heat by going to the pool. But we have also been haaaaaarrrrrd at work putting the final touches on the laundry room (hiphip hooray!). We just have to install our counter top and finish painting the crown molding. Oh yeah and install a few shelves, decide on hooks for the wall and potential seating... but those are fun things. I really cannot wait to share, specially since this has been ongoing since March. Who knew that ripping out walls and floors was that much work? surely not I.

At the end of the day, working in the heat I really wish I had a spot like these to unwind.

Yes, yes and yes to all of the above!
And don't forget to have your Fresh Coat Friday submissions in by 9pm tonight so I can be sure to include everyone!!!
Now I am off to lay a baby down for a nap, finish some client pieces and maybe squeeze one in for WhiteBerry too~