Holly Baker

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Here we go again!

I had to take this photo today to remind myself that our bedroom will hopefully look like this again by next week.
A month ago you couldn't have paid me vast sums of money to share a photo of our closet! But we did a huge clean up/purge last week when Sean transferred his clothes from the guest bedroom closet... and in the next hour or so we will be transferring them all to Wren's room.
Because do you see that little cubby under there?

Sean opened it up and found all this useable space just going to waste.

He will be insulating it, drywall and flooring it and adding pot lights and beadboard to the ceiling over the next 7 days. Someday down the line we would like to also add a sky light for some natural light as well... but the kitchen is still our priority therefore eatting up the budget.
Sean is just itching to rip something out, so with a budget of only $500 (or less!) we are super duper excited to nearly quadruple our closet!

Cross your fingers that we can stick to the budget and timeline... because I just don't have the ability to deal with multiple destruction zones with the kitchen as well.