Jar Stars
I think Wren deserves the best kid award this week. She has been sick and just not her usual self, but she manages to make her mom smile a lot! Usually reading or running around, her favorite perch has been this chair and blanket.
She even fell asleep on my shoulder yesterday while we were running errands... my first thought was "Seriously, who's kid is this?" I usually even can't bribe her to take a nap or lay down at bedtime for that matter! But I think she is almost back to her usual unstoppable self. I'm just hoping her hearing returns because it has become mighty selective lately...
She even fell asleep on my shoulder yesterday while we were running errands... my first thought was "Seriously, who's kid is this?" I usually even can't bribe her to take a nap or lay down at bedtime for that matter! But I think she is almost back to her usual unstoppable self. I'm just hoping her hearing returns because it has become mighty selective lately...
I think I have also managed to create an auction monster. My sister came with me a few weeks back and she is thoroughly hooked now! It is sure a lot more fun to have a partner in crime with, specially because she is a pretty frequent bidder. And we have managed to pile up quite the assortment of randomness, hers ranging from hunting knives to fireking dishes.
Mine ranging from t-squares to stoneware. A recent auction we were at didn't have a lot of interest so most items were not selling. The solution? The autioneer just combines the unsold item into the next lot, so while you may want to bid on that cute cake plate you may just end up with a box full of jumper cables and an old radio as well.
That same scenario happened to me recently when a cute old Crown Jar came up for bid. I've paid $12 each for a couple at antique malls and their beautiful old crown emblem steals my heart everytime. But by the time the jar came up a whole box of other jars had no interest along with some old stoneware bowls so I was thrilled when I threw up my paddle to bid on 1 jar and got a whole box of goodies for $1. Then reality set in. I don't make jam, I don't pickle... what do I do with a box of old jars? I locate a basket of course and fill them with candles!
Candles are as plentiful in our house as water in most houses. And I am always trying to find new ways to keep 'em wrangled up, so this was a blessing in disguise.
My future plan for the jars is to do a flower arrangement with wild flowers come Summer... but in the meantime I will adore my new/old jars like this.