Holly Baker

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I am still coming down from the high of such an amazing weekend. On Saturday Big Easy Reno aired across the entire U.S. and the response was amazing!!! I've been responding to texts, instagram messages and emails ever since and you have all been overwhelmingly supportive. I seriously can't even process how many people took the time to let me know they watched! And if you are new here to ...in the fun lane because of Big Easy Reno, thank you so much for stopping by! I always love seeing new faces, so don't be a stranger, alrighty?

This time of year is hectic and crazy at the best of times, but throw in the excitement of Big Easy Reno and the two birthdays we have coming up this week and we are all feeling like the days are just flying by. So it's time to do a little instalment of Currently, to document the ins  and outs of the past couple weeks, because before you know it the holidays will be here (and over) and none of this will be current! 

Currently Drinking: Eggnog lattes! Mmmm, these are like the most decadent and delicious holiday treat and a warm hug all rolled into one. I know, they probably aren't considered the healthiest way to take your coffee, but it's only the holidays for a little bit so I'm treating myself. I just do a regular espresso shot on the Breville, then instead of steaming milk I steam half milk/half eggnog. No syrup or any extra ingredients needed, although a little sprinkle of nutmeg may kick it up a notch. So while it's not super healthy, I'm sure it's a lot better than the coffee chain version. The little cypress tree from Superstore ($5.95!!) adds an extra bit of holiday cheer to my little coffee corner in the kitchen.

Currently Enjoying: Seeing our friends and family so much!!! Everyone woke up bright and early to come watch the East coast premiere of Big Easy Reno with us on Saturday (this was part of the crew, patiently waiting for it to come on!). But we also had a ladies luncheon on Sunday at a good friend's Mom's home which was the perfect holiday gathering. And then we still have two birthdays coming up in the next week (mine and Wren) and my grandmother is flying in for the holidays, so there is a ton of gatherings in the near future that we are looking forward too. The holidays are always better with the people you love.

Currently Unwrapping: A handful of handmade gifts I ordered online for different people, in order to box and wrap them with other items. Although, some have wrapping too cute to open, like this adorable package from the amazing Lisbeth at SlopPop Yeah!. Her creations are amazing and I will share more info and the couple things I ordered for Wren from her in a post later this week or early next week.

I did also treat myself to one of her black kitty tote bags in remembrance of a couple of our favourite black kitties in NOLA, Symba and Tinkles.

Currently Organizing: some of my 2015 Camera Roll photos. One of my biggest fears is losing my digital photos so I try to convert them to hard copy as often as possible. There are a ton of good apps that do this, I like to use Printic, but you can do it in book form as well. One bonus is how much Wren loves to flip through them. It's important to me that these memories are accessible and tangible for her too, like they were for me as a kid before the days of camera phones. I ordered these little albums, but probably need one or two more to get the job done.

Currently Loving: The flowers Sean brought home to celebrate the Big Easy Reno debut. Dude definitely knows the way to my heart!!

Currently Cozied Up With: My beloved Minda Pom blanket and the cutest wool socks I found at Dollarama for $2. Don't forget you can still get your In The Fun Lane x Minda Home stockings, which help out the Hope Mission and homeless youth!