Holly Baker

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Pretend Summer

Last week was super busy, but so so so fun! We found out in mid-october that Style at Home would be coming out to the cabin for a photo shoot for next Summer's cabin issue! It was PERFECT timing, all the snow we had managed to melt and we even had sun for most of the day. By the very next morning it was snowing LOL. 

My mom and I worked our tails off to convert a bunch of old slides to digital for a gallery wall we have been wanting to do on the upstairs 'widows walk'. The cabin originally belonged to my great grandparents and 4 generations have now enjoyed summers and winters here so we wanted the gallery wall to show the sentimental side of the family connection to this spot. I'll try and share a little more about the process we used to get all our old slides on digital (thanks to a nifty camera lens attachment!) in a future post. 

Mr. Bean attacking my mom with kisses LOL

Our fabulous photographer, Barry Calhoun, let me really go to town with my styling ideas. Of course, my sweet tooth dictated that a lemon meringue pie make an appearance (did you know pies are $3 at Walmart????) spiffed up a bit with some store bought raspberries just laid around the crust. $5 and it looks like a pretty fancy piece of baking I could never hope to make on my own. 

We're excited to hang a new, Winter themed piece of art over the buffet for the coming colder months, but the lovely swimming ladies had their moment in the spot light for the shoot.

I can't wait to see how everything looks through Barry's lens when it's all on paper, I am just so thrilled with how well the day went. 

Cheers to shooting the Summer in an early Alberta Winter.