Holly Baker

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Lot's going on!

Hi Guys!
Sorry, been a really busy busy week! I have been working on various projects this week, but like I mentioned earlier in the week I have a couple fun announcements.

The first is that some of the June Style at Home magazines have trickled out to subscribers already and I hear we are in that issue (insert silent scream of excitement here)!!!! Despite working closely with the photographer, writer and fact checker I actually have no idea what photos are included or what the actual write up says. They like to keep that secret until the issue comes out so it really will be a total surprise to see it all actually printed! I hear CottageK will be in the July issue and I have been working with them this week on getting the write up finalized so it will be kind of surreal to see these projects in such a high profile magazine. I definitely have a lot of respect for how much time and energy goes into every part of a story now and will be sure not to just glance over the pretty pictures from now on (soooo guilty of this).

The second is that we have been working on a project for the past nine months that I have kept under wraps. You may remember me mentioning our cabin from time to time. In fact, I have mentioned it, taken photos of the lake and our adventures (like in this post), but I've actually never showed a photo of the cabin itself.

Why? Well, the cabin isn't mine or Sean's but my parent's and it was passed down to them from my Dad's Grandmother. So it is a family legacy really, that we have always enjoyed retreating to. However, as anyone who lives near water knows, things deteriorate faster there. And while we all adored the original 600 square foot cabin, it needed A LOT of work. Like more work than it would take to build brand new. Like, it didn't have any insulation or even a city sewer line!!! So after a lot of thought our family (mainly my Dad) decided to start fresh.

Unfortunately all of the progress photos are tied up on my 'dead' laptop (which I hope to revive for photos!) but I am excited because we are in the final phase and my Mom and I are getting ready to start the decorating phase just in time for Summer. But I am getting pretty pumped to show you all the hardwork my Mom has put into it so far and our new summer getaway retreat. So the next couple weeks will feature a lot of current shots and idea boards for our big job of getting it decorated for Summer.

Finally, I have some really really fun news I will be sharing on Monday for anyone looking to embrace their crafty side in the Edmonton area! I promise, you won't want to miss this one.