Holly Baker

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Photo Recap: Plum Home Party

I feel like I am perpetually apologizing here for my neglected blog, but when I say this Summer has been crazy I am not joking! The flip is coming along really really well, days have been full, and I had the privilege of planning and hosting a party at my friend Jenna's shop, Plum Home + Design. We were having coffee early in the Summer, talking about how we have so so so many talented ladies locally in the blogging world and while many of us have individually met, there has yet to be a time and place we have all gotten together. 
So we decided to make it happen!
We knew Jenna's store was the perfect party location! She is typically closed on Sundays so we had the whole store to ourselves. SOOO much pretty!
We had a great selection of fashion and design bloggers. The lovely ladies who made it out for the morning included:
The 204 Park girls
Amaris from Lovely Blonde Closet
Nicole Ashley
Christina from The DIY Mommy
Kira at Northern Style Exposure
Eleni at Convey The Moment
Justine Ma
Little Miss Andrea
Kassey from The Lovely Ordinary
So many talented ladies!
We had some absolutely fabulous sweets for all our sweet ladies, courtesy of my personal favourite:
Confetti Sweets! These cookies are life changing, that is all.
And for those in the group who favour donuts we had plenty of amazing creations from the insanely talented Mandy at Frickin' Delights. Yes, these are as amazing as they look.
We were sooooo lucky to offer up some goodies to all our ladies in these adorable Cake For Breakfast  'au revoir' totes. 
meeting and mingling!
The lovely ladies at Patina Jewellery had lots of pretty surprises for us, and a few giveaways for our ladies
I cannot tell you how much fun we had getting to know each other. And if you want to know about how small this world is, this is the lovely Nicole Ashley, who also happens to be the proud owner of my very first flip: Lexington! How crazy and cool is that? I could not be happier that such a hip, fun, creative person is living there.
The beautiful ladies all together!
I could not be more thankful to have had the chance to get to know and hopefully see a lot more of this awesome group of ladies. You honestly have no idea how much you have in common and how rich your own city can be with talent and creativity until you dig a little. 
The goodie bags were a MAJOR hit thanks to all the awesome vendors who come through for us. We had   Pehr DesignsUppercase PressCake for BreakfastMy Daughter Fragrances,I Love the MoonUrban WallsElizabeth LynJustine MaPatina Jewellery and Swanson Design all provide their beautiful wares.
And here is the best part! We had an extra bag left and we are giving one away to a luck reader! To enter head over to Jenna's blog right here and enter for your own swag bag.
THANK YOU A MILLION to all the generous folks who made such a fun morning happen! And a big thank you to Jenna for being such a great friend and inspiring girl, and last but not least, all the ladies who came!
I think we will have to do it again soon based on the response we had, only bigger and better!