New Layout
I wanna send out a big, HUGE thank you to my
little sis, Torri! She designed this beautiful blog layout for
her own blog design site, digital confections, and when I saw it I just knew it was the perfect spring/summer look for our little old blog. And she graciously offered to fix it up and put it on our blog... sisters are really awesome (when they aren't stealing your clothes).
Definitely check her out if you are in the market for a custom blog design!
You may notice that we are no longer "Life in the fun lane", but now just In the Fun Lane. I decided to drop "life" for several reasons. The first being that our email and domain are just inthefunlane, so this will be much more consistant. And the second being that I like the idea of alternating whatever it is we are doing in this hypothetical fun lane. Be it decorating, painting or fashion it is all in the fun lane now! Life is a pretty darned broad term, so I decided to ax any ambiguousness and get specific. I will be attempting to label past posts as well as all future ones so that you know exactly what we are doing in this fun lane of ours.
And I also want to point out the long awaited return of our Frequently Asked Questions link. I have had a lot of emails about it being absent from our last header, and while it still existed, it just wasn't easily found without a blog search. I plan on updating the questions and adding any new ones that pop up regularly through email and comments that aren't already answered. So be sure to let me know if you want anything addressed that isn't yet!
Hope you had a lovely fin de semaine!