Holly Baker

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Things that make me HAPPY

Well, the holidays obviously make it an extra happy time of year! But a couple little touches are adding even more cheer to our VERY short days. 

The first being fresh flowers. A few people have given me birthday arrangements, even though the big day isn't until tomorrow (I'll officially be 33! EEek!). I love breaking up the arrangements in to little groupings around the house and the bedside is my favourite spot.

These little stickers I designed and ordered through MOO.com are probably my favourite little touch to our gifts this year. They are perfect for sealing shut the little paper bags I've been using like crazy!

Our pink christmas is still putting a wide smile on my face! Wren's grandma gave her a pink Santa hat and it's been getting a bunch of milage, specially at bedtime for some reason LOL.

I don't usually do too much redecorating this time of year because it's already a busy time and things are shuffled for holiday decor, but I couldn't resist shaking up the kitchen sitting area a little when these little stools from Serena and Lily showed up last week.

Mr. Model Dog making it hard to get a clear shot (you will see his modelling skills in full force next summer in our Style at Home cabin feature, he brought his A game!)

They might be small, but they are so sturdy and solid, these babies are perfect for so many spots. I'm sure you'll see them migrate all over the house.

So, I guess this is officially my last post as a 32 year old! Not sure if I'm happy or sad about that, maybe a little of both, but either way I'm REALLY happy to be spending my big day tomorrow helping at Wren's school and having dinner with my family, including my Grandma who flew in from Vancouver which is a huge treat. If I don't have a chance to post again before the holidays, have yourself a safe and merry holidays!