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This week was busy. We spent the first couple days getting Wren all ready for her first year of 'real school': kindergarten. She starts in a few days and we are excited, yet feeling like Summer flew by too fast. So we made a trip out to visit my Grandma and Grandpa just outside of the city. No internet. No cell phones. Just home made cake, fresh watermelon and lots of late Summer goodness. 

Wren talks about the horses endlessly, but always has a moment of nervous anticipation when she gets close at first.
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and in the blink of an eye she galloped off to another adventure. 
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picking goodies in the garden
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exploring mysterious doors and corners
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and catching grass hoppers by the handful were just some of the special late Summer goodness we squeezed into the day.
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And if you follow me on instagram (you can do that right here), you already know some of our week was spent giving Wren's bedroom a mini-makeover! I can't wait to show you more on Monday.
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Until then, stay smiling!
fridayHolly BakerComment