

I can hardly believe we are already in September, but here we are. I just walked home from dropping Wren off at her first day of Kindergarten without me... 

She was fine, I was all nerves. She lined up, went in the school with her class and didn't even look back. Not even once. It makes me so happy that she is ready to jump right into school life, but I kind of felt like Pi at the end of Life of Pi when Richard Parker just walked off into the jungle. I was hoping she would give me some moment of closure now that our mommy-wren days are over, but besides that selfish little moment of mine I was overjoyed that she is ready to be her own little person.

I know she will do beautifully.

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And just in case someone hasn't told you yet today:
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I am kind of obsessed with my new Justine Ma shopping tote I picked up a couple weeks ago at Plum, it gives off nothing but great vibes.

Now go have yourself a nice weekend!
fridayHolly BakerComment