Bring on the Sunnies:RayBan Giveaway!

I am so excited to share today's giveaway with you! The amazing folks over at offered me up a pair of new sunglasses for this Spring. There are definitely perks to blogging, and offers of free stuff from time to time is up near the top of the list of those perks. For some reason I always feel slightly 'fake' when I consider the offers and don't have something equally as awesome to also share with you, so in those cases I prefer to either just pass up the offer or pass it straight on to you like I am doing today. Trust, this will never be a blog where everything is C/O (unless Rebecca Taylor or Gucci start knocking on my door. You've been warned!). Ok, enough about me... let's take a look at what the fuss is about.
One of my most consistent style staples since, well, forever, has been aviators. Thank goodness they have been in style again the past few years because I took a lot of flack from the Mr. and many others for years over my 'Top Gun'-style glasses. So in the interests of protecting your eyes, and making you look freaking fabulous I settled on a pair of RayBan's.

The wonderful folks at outfitted our winner with everything you see below
Simply enter following the directions below and I will announce our winner on Monday February 17!
Good luck and thanks for being my BIFFs
[best internet friends forever, duh!]