
Hello, stranger

Sorry it has been quiet over here in Fun Lane land. I have been absent from almost all social media actually, and it's been both refreshing and stressful. I hate to leave anyone hanging with comments or mentions, but it feels good to just focus uninterrupted on life too. It feels easier (and better) to not post anything than just posting and running. Life has been full and very productive lately and letting go of managing the social side has been a good thing for my projects around here.

We had a photo shoot last Thursday for Avenue magazine that I was prepping for all week, plus Wren was out of school for a few days on PD days, and we had two family birthdays in two days. We have also been kicking our purge into high gear, which has been eye opening. I feel like I have been chipping away at it for over a year now, doing well, but last week alone I took two full pick up truck loads to goodwill! And we're not talking stuff that we had to emotionally wrestle over, I'm talking boxes in basement closets that haven't been opened since we moved in here almost 8 years ago. I really had no idea we were holding on to THAT MUCH STUFF. It's time consuming, draining, but oh so rewarding to let it go. We are starting to get down to the stuff we have actually need to decide to live without, not just the stuff laying out taking up space. The stuff you have to be ready to choose to do without. Stuff like all the seasonal decorations, a lot of the clothes (do I really need or want to keep my high school graduation dress?),  kitchen gear we *may* need for some future event that we may never have. 

PLUS, we are hard at work on Wren's bathroom again. We took a break there with a few photoshoots we had, but we got all the new plumbing done this week (actually Sean did a lot of that labor, while I picked out and up the new tile). And once I finish typing this post I'm off to go install the floor tile! I'm hoping we will be done some time in March, depending on how much time we can carve out for it in the next week or two. I can't wait to show you the tile, it is one of those rare renovation unicorns: great price ($1.98/sq ft) and the exact style I was wanting! It will be a good amount of work still, but the budget is still looking good at around $1500 for the whole bathroom. 

Okay, well, thanks for being patient with me, and I feel like I should do this now and get back to work.

Have a great and productive week, friend! I promise to be back shortly with lots of pretty (and not so pretty) reno shots.

Holly BakerComment