A few little blooms of color around the house are all I need to hold on a little while longer. Until the days when I can just wear a jean jacket or sweater (without the parka on top), until the days I need sunglasses later than 4pm, until I can pack up the shovel until next year.
Sean surprised Wren with her own little garden last week.

My own little potted garden is giving off the most beautiful fragrance. Nothing on earth comes close to the scent of a freshly bloomed hyacinth!

Meanwhile, outside we have been floating between Winter's deepest, darkest days...

bouts of sunshine, and even a little taste of Spring in the past day or two.
But like the quote below says so eloquently, at this time of year it is no coincidence that I feel very content to spend my days at home. These are the days I feel no desire to explore the city, treasure hunt, or even focus too much on where my next flip may come from. These are the days I find myself home centered.

May your weekend be filled with a little of everything above.