
Hardware Switcheroo

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I know I mentioned it when I first showed you our new dining room buffet last Summer, but in case you forgot I hated the hardware on it. 

LOVED the lines and simplicity (and price) of it, so I bought it. But I wanted to eventually switch out the knobs. 

I was in no rush, but I always keep my eyes peeled when I am out and about. And it was HARD to hold off and wait until I felt they were perfect because, well, I have quite a history with hardware and I may have felt a bit of that old urge to stock pile great hardware in case of future use (check out my old WhiteBerry creations here)

But this past week I found these pretties sitting in the sale pile at Anthropologie and I just KNEW they were it.
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They were on clearance for $1.49 as well, which only heightened my excitement as I ran to the checkout with an armful of them.

See, the knobs that came along with it aren't exactly ugly (trust me, I've seen some ugly knobs!) but they just weren't for me.
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{ a little tip, if you ever buy ceramic knobs at Anthro always pick up an extra one or two just in case you have a disaster one day and break one. They usually don't stock them for long and it would suck to be short a knob}
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10 minutes later I fell even harder in love with this cabinet.
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The blue really pops off the wood, and I love the funky shape of the knobs on such a simple, straight cabinet.
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A small investment in time and money, but it makes a world of difference. 
Ok, maybe I'm a little over dramatic about the results, but I am just a tad obsessed with these knobs. 

Holly BakerComment