
If only Boys really smelled this pretty.

It's hard to believe we're in the thick of the hot, glorious Summer already! I had a little moment to myself this morning and something lead me to pick up my camera, which I haven't done in quite some time.

The convenience of capturing life through the camera on my phone has definitely made my old buddy, Canon, less necessary. But, there is something about the magic of capturing something EXACTLY the way you see it (sometimes only in my head) through shooting on manual. No filters, no editing for shadows or dark spots. The pictures I capture on my 'real' camera, and share here, are always uploaded straight from the memory card and on to the site without any editing which forces me to really look at all the angles and think about what I'm trying to capture before clicking that shutter. 

So, playing around led me to pick a subject, one that long time readers already know I gravitate to: candles. Our model for today's blog post is my current crush, or maybe obsession is a better word, Boy Smells Candles

I adore this scent so much, I decided I better have a back up on hand!

Here's the description of the scent:

None of those scents are ones I've ever seen combined together, but somehow they blend beautifully to create a smell I can't even start to describe other than to say "mmmmm".

The adorable packaging is my favourite, because well, PINK. (need I say more?)

It felt really good to shoot, even for just a few pictures today. It really reminded me why I love photography and the creativity it brings out of us when we share our work as well as enjoy other people's work. A little break is always good, and makes coming back to something that much more refreshing and exciting.