
September Candle of the Month

Yup, it's been a minute since I last said hello! Life is busy and wonderful and full and I will be able to share what myself and a dream team of people have been working on very soon! It involves a lot of travelling, and so while I've been back home the past couple weeks I've been gearing up for the very LONGGG Fall and Winter season here. Which means: Candle Season. 

I know it's very trendy to go Hygge these days, but there is something magical and amazing about lighting a candle on a cold afternoon. So I've been stocking up! I've grabbed a wide variety to try as I see ones that excite me, but this is by far my favourite:

I picked up this cutie at Little Brick locally but you can find them online directly from Salt Water Tea right here.

The Lavender scent is fresh and lovely, and the good vibes aren't just in watching it glow! There is a natural crystal in every candle to up the good vibes it gives off and to cherish once you are all done with the candle. I also love that is a local Alberta made product, supporting cool makers around us makes me even happier as I enjoy it this Fall. 

I'm slightly sad Summer is over, but I couldn't be happier about candle season kicking off. Hope you are gearing up for a good candle season in your home as well!
