
WhiteBerry Couture

While I absolutely love taking the ugliest, tackiest furniture and making it pretty, sometimes I see things that are already unique and lovely but are just old and a little scratched. A coat of paint and occassionally some new hardware take these items from Grandma's basement antiques to stunning items. I have some fun new items to share over the next weeks, so here is a small glimpse at just a few of my exciting new items:

This sideboard was originally purchased as the vanity for Wren's bathroom. But once we got it home and did a little further inspection we decided that it probably wasn't quite as strong as we would need it to be to hold a marble slab. This piece is in rough condition, but well over 100 years old.

This is the sweetest table. It will be perfect for a kitchen or hallway with it's room cabinet. The previous owners added knobs where there was no drawer so I had to fill those holes. I am almost finished with this guy so I will be sharing it very soon~

This antique french provincial dresser was restained in the past decade or so in a red cherry. It is missing one of the key hole covers so I will have to buy new ones but this will be one cute dresser with a new coat of paint and some new hardware.

This dresser and mirror are just darling! I will probably share the finished piece this week. This would be gorgeous in any bedroom.

I have some other gorgeous antiques to share, but since I don't want to keep you all hanging I will share these finished ones first~
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