
Wren's mom

I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. I had a dream last night that it was already Fall... 

It seems like only yesterday I was passed a tiny little peanut named Wren while laying in a hospital bed. She was small enough to hold in cupped hands and didn't even know how to cry. Amazing how something so tiny can be so full spirit! I was 24 at the time and while mature for my age still young. I still am! It is a tough but special thing to be a young mom. It is tough to be a mom. Period!

But I think young moms have a challenge in that they are still finding their way, still learning about life and the Real World. I often reflect and wonder if I'd be a more patient mom, more capable of juggling things if I was 10 years older when Wren came along. Or maybe that is just the struggle of all moms? I am not sure but I know it is mine.

I do know that I've learned a lot from Wren and this crazy adventure in parenthood. It is hard job! One of those jobs you take on knowing that you are never ready for, always struggling to master. One that you CANNOT fail at, although none of us are perfect. But it is a rewarding, fulfilling job! One that I am glad I took on young. 

It is one of my struggles, how to go about raising a happy, peaceful, confident girl in this age of over exposure, celebrity culture and mass media. I need to lead by example, but wonder if I am setting the best one at times. I need to remind her that it is okay to not be perfect.


To have fun! Not to worry about what makes others happy over what makes her happy. I want her to enjoy the simple things.

My parents did an amazing job. I have really, really wonderful parents. So I am thankful to have them as the guiding light of how to make this little girl into a wonderful person. Growing up I remember only a handful of times that I was really upset over what other kids did or said. Not that there were only a few bad things said or done to me, only that I honestly wasn't heartbroken or defeated by many of them. And that is because I was raised to and enjoyed marching to my own drum. I was never incredibly popular, nor was I unpopular, I was just ME. I feel good about that because growing up as a girl is not easy at times, specially to get through adolescence unscathed. 

{ this girl always marches to her own beat }

I want her to be bold

and BRAVE. In the sense that she is strong enough to stand up for what's right. Brave enough to continue being brave. 

She has taught me a lot about bravery! I would never have shared a makeup less photo 3 years ago. I can almost hear my 20 year old self cringing at the thought. I would never have dreamed of leaving a steady job and income for painting furniture, renovating houses. But I want to be brave enough to show her the true me, show her that I am happy with myself. That I was brave enough to take chances, and most importantly follow my heart.

{ au naturel }

I want her to feel freedom. TRUE freedom. Free to be herself at all times. Free from feeling she needs to be what society sees as beautiful, pretty. I want her to fly like the bird she is.