
Thursday is THANK YOU day!

I have some pretty awesome people to say Thank You! to today. It blows me away sometimes just how sweet and thoughtful perfect strangers can be. Thanks to the world of blogging they really aren't 'perfect strangers', just folks I haven't had the privilege of running into in my real life (yet, anyways).

One amazing gal I want to properly thank is Tara over at Modern Maven. She is pretty much the craftiest person on the face of the earth. And not only is a she super talented designer but a pretty sweet e-friend (we 'met' thanks to the goodness that is Instagram). This past week I was honored to get some Happy Mail in the form of a homemade Valentine's garland (in perfectly subtle 'Holly' colors) and some goodies for Wren from her little girl. It totally made our weekend. THANKS AGAIN TARA!

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I also want to thank fellow Edmontonian and blogger: Erin in Wonderland. She was so thoughtful and nominated this old blog for an Apartment Therapy Homie. I never know when these things happen or who nominates me but I am so happy to finally know who it was and thank them this year! I definitely do not blog for recognition but it does feel amazing to know that there are people out there who read along and think I'm worthy of being in the company of all the other blogs nominated. Thank you Erin! And thank you to everyone who votes for us!

And of course, THANK YOU for stopping by today.

Holly Baker4 Comments