Hi! I'm the girl behind this blog
I suppose it is about time I fill in this page. The main reason that is has been a vacant spot for so long is that it kind of feels like a weird first day of school assignment to write the obligatory "About Me" essay, specially at my age. What age would that be exactly? Well, I guess that would be a good place to start. I am a 31 year young wife and mom of an awfully sweet 6 year old (that would be Wren, the real star of this blog).
my little buddy.
Some popular adjectives I use to describe myself are busy, creative, outgoing, ambitious, friendly and smart. Yet not so smart that I often forget to use the spell check function, so maybe we'll swap it out for "good problem solver". Yup, that sounds better.
You may notice that things change regularly around our house, and the main reason for that is that I used to own and run a local furniture refurbishing business named WhiteBerry Reinvented. It evolved from a piece of furniture here or there for myself to a full time gig that lasted a few years. But being the old lady I am it, all that shuffling started to wear me down with the constant changing and rearranging. So I've moved on to much less stressful work such as flipping houses (that's sarcasm there, friends). Maybe my job title would be more accurately described as professional flipper, whether it's furniture, trinkets or houses. Basically, I like to make things pretty and pass them on to someone who will love it just as much or more than I do.
So where exactly is home? We live in Edmonton, Alberta. We bought our constantly evolving home just about 4 years ago and over time we have poured our hard earned cash, hearts and souls into it. Are we nearly done? I am hoping soon! Still left to be done are 2 bathrooms and our stair case, among countless little odds and ends. So feel free to live vacariously through our renos, or laugh at us for how long and painfully drawn out they've become. Either one is fine by me.
Our humble, evolving abode.
In the end this blog was started to chronicle our adventures into parenthood but has developed into an assorted mix of decor, clothing, the occasional recipe and snippets of daily life. And let me tell you, there is nothing that keeps me more motivated to finish a project than knowing I can't wait to share it with you. So thanks for that, because lord knows our garage cannot hold one more half finished project!
And that is the long and short of it my friends!