
We're Back!

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Sometimes it feels just as good to come home as it does to go on holidays. We had such a fun, relaxing break from daily life while we were away (thanks for not giving up on me and my blog on my little hiatus!), but it is kind of refreshing how much we've been motivated to do since we got home. 

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We did all our favorite things, spent lots of time catching up on the sunshine it feels like we've been missing here at home, and had lots of laughs. Sean falling through a screen door will forever make me giggle uncontrollably (regretably, no photo of that moment).
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A day at the beach with my Dad, despite being cloudy and overcast, was probably my single favorite adventure.
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And of course we did the obligatory Disney stay, which was a blast, yet soooo tiring.
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But we are back at it and have been excited about the warm weather that is finally signalling Spring here at home! Mainly because we are going to tackle a bathroom reno upstairs in Wren's bathroom as well as our staircase (FINALLY!!!!). I have so many ideas and plans that I will share here and some fun news I'll be unveiling in the next week or so with one of my favorite bloggers.