
Cabin Tour and Life

What a busy and exciting Summer it has been. It is hard to believe it is already over, I feel like it was just the start of August then I blinked and it was September. I feel like life has changed a lot for us since I was able to blog last. 
It is strange, but I usually feel a guilt and longing when I go too long without blogging, but this time I actually didn't feel that. I'm not really sure what that means, but at the very least I think it means that blogging is changing for me. It is still something I want to keep up, but more so on my own terms. I guess I always had the power to make my own blog what I want it, but sometimes you get caught up in making sure that you are keeping up with everyone else. Maybe it's just me, but I can sense a change in blogging. I feel some are becoming too editorialized, commercialized and definitely over saturated. But most of all I can sense that readers are finding it easier and faster to keep up their favourite blogs and bloggers through things like Instagram. How do I know this? Because over the last year I cannot tell you how many comments and emails I get about something in a photo that a reader is interested in knowing about when I fully described or linked the item in that post! People are skimming, looking for pin-able pictures and not really participating in blogging like they do with faster platforms. 
I am actually totally fine with that! I think we will start to see the end of the blogging bubble, but maybe better things will come about. 
Besides neglecting my blog I've also had some big life changes happening. First off, Wren is now in grade 1! Whoa, I was not ready for being a parent of a full time elementary student. It means she has her own little life now, and is growing up so fast. But of course that also means that I now have weekdays to grow my real estate/flipping company. This is huge for me, because Wren has always been by my side but I didn't want to make her feel like it was her job, when it is obviously not! But knowing that this Fall would be bringing a lot of time for me to focus I worked all Summer to line up some projects. The first was Laurier Heights which is about half done, and the second was a tear down house in a nice older neighbourhood that we plan on building a duplex on. We are starting the re-zoning process and then the building stage will come. And I am so surprised and excited that while I was typing this blog post I got a call from my realtor that we just bought a house I have been lusting over for the past two months. It has been a long road, lots of negotiations and patience but it will have been well worth the wait. 
The other excitement in our life all started with an email back in July. I was approached by a production company to be potential host on a real estate show. One thing led to another and like all the best things in my life, coincidence and fate had a role in changing the plan. A series of events led to my test video being seen by a different company than it was intended and before I knew it a producer and video crew flew out and was filming a pilot episode for a show about us! I don't know when or if will ever become a full blown TV show but I can tell you it was one of the most fun and interesting weekends of my life. I mean, how many people can say they've shot a TV pilot? So we will keep playing the waiting game and see what happens next!
And last but not least we've been enjoying the new cabin! I know many of you have been waiting for a source list, but I don't think I'll have time to include in in this post.  But I am too impatient to wait to share the photos, so here they are!
The great room.
The dining room.
main floor powder room.
Entry. We still have some trades doing touch ups and such so we haven't got this area finished with all the dirty shoes and boots going in and out.
My parent's bedroom.
Their master bath.
My bedroom.
Wren's room.
I still have to take big camera pictures of the kitchen, basement bedroom, and upstairs bathroom! But here is a quick phone shot~
And of course, what we go to see: the view!
I hope you have had a full and happy Summer, thanks for being to patient with me here in my slow lane LOL.
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