
Photo Fun / 1

Sometimes when I'm looking for some inspiration I play with my photos. It's an awesome way of coming up with a cool colour combination that may not have naturally come to me when I play with the hue adjuster on my favourite photo editors ( I like using Pixlr when I'm on my computer at home, or Afterlight app on my phone). It is also a great way to take your photos to a cool new level if you wanted to have them all be coordinated and cohesive for a gallery wall!
I usually save them for myself, but I thought I might start sharing some of my play time creations, just because.  Literally the only thing altered is the hue, it's not a photoshop trick or time consuming process. You just scroll the hue meter back and forth until you think the colours look good! Definitely give it a go.
PS: all these photos were taken on my phone, so don't feel like you need to be using the fanciest equipment to make something beautiful.
And lastly, who wouldn't want a cute little purple dog??? Sounds like every little girls dream.