
2 Months

Wow, I can't believe it's been 2 months since I've shared here! I even went a week without posting on Instagram which is unheard of in my world but life is moving at warp speed right now and I am doing everything I can to just document it when possible. The sharing stuff can come later (or now!) but I just want to make sure I don't let the sands of time slip through my fingers without at least capturing a few to cherish forever.
We had a great Spring Break a couple weeks back. Sorely needed by all, as Wren is one of the youngest grade 1 students and between the long days and the long winter she was starting to get a little bear-like by dinner time. So we headed just a few hours south and did a fun couple days in Calgary. We made reservations at the Aloft hotel and stayed there the whole time, just enjoying the amenities. Wren is a water baby and we enjoyed most of our stay pool side.
Wren has also become really interested in photography! I'd say it's probably her first true hobby and so I've been teaching her some of my limited knowledge. It's incredibly fun to scroll through her memory card every week or so to see what she has captured, including plenty of less than flattering shot of Sean and I LOL, but it's kind of nice to finally be the one not stuck behind the lens, even if most of her shots catch us in our jammies and without our hair or makeup done for the day. But she manages to capture a lot of our 'real' life.
Life with three dogs is also adding a lot of fullness to life! We are working on training and containing the madness but there is such an abundance of love that I can't complain. 
There have been birthdays on top of birthdays, but even an otherwise quiet Tuesday can deserve a little celebration. The memories of an average day being ended with a little love and making them special are what I aim to leave Wren with of her childhood. This past year of full school days really drive home the fact that her days of being little are really really limited and I need to make the most of them.
In other, more vain, news. I dyed my hair back to brown! I loveeeeed the purple but it was a) a ton of work, and b) not the look I was aiming for with an upcoming project. So I went back to my natural colour and kept it interesting by adding bangs to the mix.
I had to adjust to the bangs, but I have really been digging them so I think they will stay for a bit. They add a little more style to my usual top knot or ponytail. Try as I might, if I wear my hair down it is usually up by lunch time...
And that's been our March/April. Bring it on May!!