

Currently enjoying: The roses Sean brought home for our Anniversary this week! They are the perfect hit of bright colour on a cloudy Fall afternoon. IMG_1111

Currently rocking: Top knots. Wren has always hated me putting her hair in any sort of ponytail or bun! She loves her hair down and flowing but lately has been asking me to put her hair up which is a fun change. It's so cute to see her develop her own style and she definitely has a strong idea of what she does and doesn't like to wear!


Currently eatting: some amazing New Orleans inspired cooking! We left a huge part of our hearts back in New Orleans and have been missing all the amazing flavours. Treme: Stories and Recipes from the Heart of New Orleans has been bringing back memories and filling the void all that amazing food left us with since returning home. If you love true New Orleans flavours there are some really amazing recipes from local restaurants that will blow your mind (and plenty from less famous locals and characters).


Currently in my purse: My favourite ByRosieJane lip tint (marigold), a horse key chain my grandfather gave me and a coin pouch he got from a local saddle maker in the perfect soft mint leather.


Currently watching: The Affair, season 2. It is a really thought provoking show and really interesting to hear the same story from different perspectives! So much time and thought goes into the little details that change from one version to the other and you have to try and decipher where the truth really is between the different stories.

Currently cleanining: a constant trail of glitter!! Wren wants to be the Fairy Godmother from the Cinderella movie that came out earlier this year for Halloween but has put on the costume every day after school since it arrived in the mail. And this thing is shedding glitter non stop!


Currently Listening To: Surf by Donnie Trumpet & the Social Experiment. It's a really unique album with so many different sounds, and I love nearly every song. PLUS, it's a free download on iTunes for US based accounts! (if you're north of the border you can find it online in a ton of places for free as well!)

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