Holly Baker

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Time Out


We took a time out this weekend to head to the cabin. My Grandmother was in town visiting from Vancouver so we took the opportunity to pause all the activity around the house that usually consumes our weekends lately. Right now is the most beautiful time of year at the lake. The water reflects beautifully and the morning sun causes some steam to come off the water which makes it seem somewhat mystical. The last remnants of Summer are fading fast.


[ early morning ]



[ late afternoon ]


Our projects around the house are in full swing, and just because you've all be soooo patient with my lack of reno posts I thought I would do the unthinkable and share our secret shame bathroom. We have gutted it and are getting read to paint and tile, I can't wait to show you the game plan next week in a little summary post. But in the meantime, can you believe I've managed to live with this hideous space for over 7 years??? Ugh, it's so embarrassing LOL

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Hard at work! (my cameraman, Sean, needs a few pointers behind the lens)
