

Well, it's really 2016 now! I keep writing 2015 when I'm doing paperwork or cheques or permission slips. I love reading all the resolution posts out there on different blogs, so many people are stepping away from specific things and instead coming up with themes for their year. I like that! It is how I tried to make 2015 a year of change, by purging and embracing less. Not only in our household clutter, but in commitments and scheduling and so many other areas too. Simplicity is not overrated! And it worked so well for me that I am carrying it right over into 2016. But I have also come up with my 2016 focus, and it may sound strange but my focus is on corners.

'Corners' is a word that can cover a lot of stuff that I want to work on. Corners are often small and can collect dust, but I need to try to clear that up more (literally and figuratively). Cutting corners when it comes to jumping to a new project before I've fully finished the last is a big one for me! I guess, I don't cut corners so much as lose focus on the small, final details. I heard a good saying not too longer ago: finished is better than perfect. I would ideally love finished and perfect, but I need to at least get the finished part down instead of waiting to finish it perfectly.

I also want to focus on the corners of our little life here, in this house. Big gatherings are fun and exciting, like the holidays, but the bulk of our lives are lived in the corners of daily life. And I don't want Wren to grow up wishing away the days until the next weekend, holiday, birthday. So I want to work at making sure she has moments in her daily life that will bring her happiness and joy when she looks back someday. So shining a light on these corners is my goal for 2016.

[ a hyacinth bulb I am dying to see bloom, it is one of my favourite smells]

In 2016 blog news, I now have the Shop and Design Services options in the menu bar up and functioning! The Shop currently sells this print, but I will be adding to it over the year, and removing prints as they sell out. This one only has a couple copies left so scoop yours up before it is gone from the shop!

I am so excited the Design Services features are now up and running as well! I have been doing local consulting for the past year with various clients and it is such a quick and easy way for me to help out. The first option is e-design, which is fairly straight forward. You send me your space and I help you come up with a game plan to bring it to life! The second option is what I've been doing most, which is design and renovation consultations. Most people don't have a lot of experience or time to educate themselves extensively on various construction costs/possibilities when they are thinking of tackling a kitchen or home reno, and are really at the mercy of a contractor for ideas. So I've been face timing and skyping with clients from around North America from their own spaces as they ask me questions and get ideas without feeling pressure or committed to a contractor. Sometimes, you have to know what questions to ask in order to avoid costly and time consuming construction issues, so you can basically learn from all the mistakes I've made first hand LOL. 

And FINALLY, I have re-enabled comments on the blog! I had to disable them over on wordpress due to the sheer number of spam comments that were getting through the filters (it was taking up wayyyy too much of my time). But I think I have it all under control and have opened up comments again! YAYY!! 

I hope 2016 is a year filled with fun and happiness for you, and thanks for helping make 2015 filled with those for me.

xoxo Holly