
A moment to breathe

Last week was one of the most exciting, educational, fun weeks I've had in a long time. I never mentioned anything about it here, but Robin and I have been talking about shooting a story for Style at Home for over a year and a half! Why did it take so long to happen? I confess that I put it off every time we were starting to settle on dates.

I was excited, but at the same time frightened out of my wits. Despite tons of reassurance from everyone I felt scared. Scared that our DIY, thrift-filled house didn't measure up to all the beautiful, million dollar homes they feature. Scared that all the little odds and ends that us DIYers never seem to finish will be glaringly obvious to the eyes of professional decorators. 

But the ladies at Style at Home and Robin could not have made me feel any more comfortable and I am so glad we made it happen. Robin arrived on a Sunday afternoon and we shot all the way up to a couple hours before her flight left the following Saturday. It was just the two of us and I cannot tell you how much fun, how much laughter and how many amazing things were shared. After emailing for so long it felt like reconnecting with an old friend. 

We were so busy from sun up to sun down that I didn't take any photos (hence the radio silence here) but here are a couple iPhone shots I grabbed and shared on Instagram of our adventures. As soon as I know when our hard work will be appearing you will be the first to know!

(and be sure to follow me on Instagram, @inthefunlane, if you want to see more sneak peeks)
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Now that we are settling back into daily routines that don't involve a hundred trips to HomeDepot per week the spirit of the holidays is in full effect.
Wren and I created and built our first gingerbread house together.
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We held off on decorating until Sean got home from work (but we didn't hold back on sampling the goodies beforehand)
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And have been filling the house with holiday (and Birthday!) cheer all week.

 How have you been enjoying the holiday spirit? watching holiday movies, making peppermint cocoa? I have some catching up to do and need ideas.
Holly BakerComment