

We haven't had a Friday post in a while, but I always love them because I have a lot of fun looking for and reading quotes to use. Happy words and pictures make for a good start to any weekend. 

This weekend is going to be filled with last minute preparations and LOTS of projects to finish before we start shooting on Monday. Which means lots of good blog material, but not a lot of time for posting it. But I will!

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I love this quote by Steve Martin (never thought I'd be quoting Steve Martin...). The reason I love it isn't because I am trying to be the best decorator/mom/friend/and on and on. I am just trying to be the best me! And you should be the best you. Let go of the competition, the pressure we put on our selves to measure up to each other. Just tap into what  makes you You. Then be the very best you can possibly be.

The happiest people I know are really really good and being themselves, and you know what? Success always seems to find those people. I don't think it is coincidence. They have a drive and a passion that is hard to ignore. 

On a lighter note, it is hard to ignore the improvement already in the living/dining room. We have been dedicating about an hour every night to getting this done (it is HARD on the arms) and we are nearly done. Here was a progress shot a couple days ago.
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Tonight we are installing a new dining room light I've envisioned and built, and I'll give you all the details on Monday!

Happy Friday
Holly BakerComment