
TV Talk 1.0

I know I briefly mentioned that we are headed back to New Orleans again in this post a couple weeks ago. I said I wanted to bring you all along for the ride so you can get a feel for just how much work and planning goes into getting a TV show off the ground, and well, here is the first official instalment of just such an update! I can't talk about everything (obviously) but I will happily share everything else, so feel free to ask questions in the comments if you want to know more about anything in particular!

So, we are planning 2 new episodes right now. Why two? Why not one? Why not 10? Well, a LOT of research went into our first episode after it aired and HGTV has decided they would rather have me helping local New Orleanians with their homes! Fun, right? I am so so thrilled with this shift from our original concept of following me and my flips. I mean, I love flipping, but I've actually NEVER managed a renovation or design for a client and while it seems a little crazy to do it for the first time LIVE on camera, I actually can't think of a better time or way to dip my feet in the waters. Because of this shift we got the green light to try out the new concept with two episodes to see how it feels and comes across on camera. And then hopefully we'll get the go ahead for a full 10 or 12 episode order.

The actual steps required to get us on the ground and filming are very extensive and I am so thankful for the many kick ass ladies (and a couple guys) working hard at our production company. These amazing women handle the budgets, approvals, permits and have just started the hiring process for our production team. We also are getting ready to open up casting for the houses we will be working, and our casting director and myself have been talking to homeowners that have graciously reached out thanks to a couple of my super incredible NOLA friends who have spread the news on the low and gotten word out about our return (THANK YOU, M!). Once we lock down our houses and homeowners the pre-shooting design work begins!

I've also been combing through a ton of websites for rental options for us. I know where I roughly want to rent, but am open to maybe being adventurous and living in the Quarter if the right unit came up. But I have Wren already enrolled in a few Summer camps in NOLA and I would prefer to live closer to the area the camps are in so that she can still hang out and play with any friends she makes at camp from the neighbourhood. I'm hoping we'll have something locked down shortly, but short term rentals aren't always easy to find that meet all your needs. 

So yeah, I am thrilled/excited/ready as can be to get down there. Let the craziness begin!