Holly Baker

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Well, Hello

Oh my, where did the time/Summer go? I honestly feel like I blinked and simultaneously lived an entire lifetime and only passed 5 minutes of time. It's bizarre. Sooooo, I last left off here with our arrival in New Orleans, and well, within 12 hours of our arrival (and my last blog post) I was fully entrenched in our HGTV projects. I made the decision this round that I wanted to be the full design team, as well as the full staging team. This doesn't mean I did it alone (I DIDN'T AND DEFINITELY COULDN'T HAVE! I will share more on our amazing team soon), it means that all decisions ranging from what vent covers to what faucets to use to where on the wall a piece of art should go and what trinkets go on what shelves (as well as buying those trinkets) came to me. What can I say, I'm a control freak. It was a decision I am really really happy I made because I learned sooooo much and I am 1000% confident and happy with the results. But the reality is that doing two full house renovations and fully furnishing those houses (on an insaneeeeeely tight budget) in 6 weeks from the moment you first set foot in them AS WELL as working a full-time job filming it all AND being in a new city, well, you don't really fully feel that pressure until you live it and are making a million decisions an hour all while trying to give someone the home of their dreams! And that's when you forget about something called blogging.

My apologies for leaving this little space empty of new material for so long, but I PROMISE that the outcome will be worth it when I can share our big transformations. Did I mention I also did the professional photography???? It was one of the best parts of my adventure this time because I was able to capture the spaces just like I saw them in my head from the moment I stepped inside the befores. And it also means I have a lot more material this time to share the big unveiling with those of us who may not have HGTV or are able to tune in. As soon as I can start sharing, believe me, I will! 

But until then I'm gonna try and just share my usual random thoughts and snippets of life and I hope you will come along with me. xoxo