
Glitter and Gold Fall

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I have been in denial about this whole Fall thing... It has been warm, sunny and very Summer like here. Until this week.

Even though it's been nice in the afternoons the mornings start out pretty chilly. Which can only mean that fall is coming despite my efforts to pretend otherwise.

The cold morning issue is a biggie for me because Wren and I walk to school every day. So I am all about this big sweatshirt trend that is happening right now, in fact I think I've been ahead of this trend for years now because I love me some cozy sweatshirts. It is probably the only time in my life I'll get to say that so let me have my moment, k?

 I love that it is totally cool to be dressed down (of which I am habitually an offender) and that sweatshirts are even getting a little glam! So I headed over to Forever21 recently to load up on affordable additions to my sweatshirt collection.

And of course a few other items jumped into my bag...

Here are my Fall must haves, all total for less than $130!
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Sparkle, sequins and military. The perfect blend of girly and masculine.
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If you need 1 thing in your life it is this chunky infinity scarf.
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aviators, polka dot barrette

I have been putting bows under my buns and top knots for a little unexpected preppy touch.
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I NEEDED this sweatshirt. A rare In The Fun Lane fact: I LOVE me some Kendrick Lamar music.
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A few more bedazzled sweatshirts rounded out my fall wardrobe additions. I have seen the Old Navy ones everywhere lately, but I find these ones feel much thicker (kind of important in the great white north) plus they had more gems and were cheaper. Win win win!
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boy I'm glad I bought the sunglasses, I nearly blinded myself driving the other day with all the sun flares coming off my own shirt.

Have a sparkly day (even if it's chilly out there) and happy shopping!
fashionHolly BakerComment