And the ampersand obsession continues in my little world (get it? AND? you can tell me to stop now). I picked up this ring recently and am eyeing these adorable earrings... chants 'you do not need these, you do not need these'.

Life has been hectic lately! Lots of adjusting our routines to our new school schedule, and I have been feverishly working to find a new project to tackle. I am crossing my fingers my realtor will already have given me some good news before you read this. Either way, I will keep hunting for the next place to give a Holly Makeover. But I sure hope I can sink my teeth into something new before I start ripping apart my own house again!
Even with our full days I can't help but feel this Hans Christian Andersen quote is one of the best ever.

Have a magical weekend. I know mine is sure to be filled with lots of pixie dust!