
Oh 12 foot Christmas Tree, where art thou?! We made a trip to Home Depot with our little elf yesterday to get some supplies to get our holidays going (our outdoor lights are finally all up and working!). Since we are kind of old school, we use the big old light bulbs outside and apparently those are pretty much impossible to find if you have to replace any.... but mission accomplished!
We REALLLLY wanted a big 12 footer but when we saw how wide the trees we had to select from were there was not a chance that anything bigger than 9 feet would work. We need to find a big tall, narrow tree if anything bigger is going than this is going to work.

We have it inside and ready to be decorated, but that is going to have to wait until Thursday night or perhaps even the weekend because we are taking a little 2 day holiday to Calgary. We plan on doing some holiday shopping, swimming at the hotel and just enjoying some general rest and relaxation.
So until then, au revoir!
Holly Baker26 Comments