
Ye Olde Country Dresser

Due to all the Holiday crazyness and finishing up client orders it feels like it has been ages since I have shared much WhiteBerry with you! Yet again my memory failed me when it came time to start work on this guy a few weeks back and so I lack the photographic evidence as to the unbelievable original condition.

When a dresser is as beat up as this one was you really don't have the luxury of just doing a nice, crisp coat of paint so I went with the usual distressing. But even after that was done I just didn't think it felt believable, so I whipped up a brown glaze to get into all the nooks and crannies and dents and dings. Immediately I knew that it was the right call and that she was ready to come in~

I don't like going too crazy with the glaze so it is pretty subtle in areas, but it does give the dresser a little added character along edges of drawers and doors.

And on a very exciting note, my WhiteBerry laptop is back up in action after it needed some open heart surgery recently! So I can finally update the site~