
On Wednesday I completed a record of 5 items in my 3.5 hour work window. Sounds like a lot but 3 of the items are on the smaller size, so I thought I would dedicate this post today to just the small gems. Often these small pieces get tucked into corners, beside beds and are usually the unsung heros of the room. But they deserve a little love and attention of their own today~

I didn't have time to snap a before shot of this chair, but it is the kind that most people have sitting in the basement or garage. A little dose of a new blue I am trying to perfect gives it that something special.

Previous owners had painted the legs and back cream but over the years it has started to chip off. I like the idea that this blue will start to chip along with it~

This table probably wouldn't elicit a second look from most people. The lovely detailing really fades into the wood grain and doesn't stand out.

I was dreaming of an image of a Swedish farmhouse I saw that day, which lent the inspiration for the grey-based cream that feels like it has been there forever.

This piece was typical of the cheap-feeling "reproduction" tables I see in a lot of furniture stores, complete with fake handle on non-existant drawer.

I can totally envision this covered in crayons and paper, a perfect little-person desk. Another play on my perfect shade of blue.

If I can beg and plead with Sean (who bruised his ribs snow-boarding last week) to help me move the dresser and night stand tomorrow, perhaps I will share it with you before the weekend it out!