
Ahhh, the weather has been perfectly dreamy here, and from what I understand we are having yet another winter revival back home (not trying to rub it in for all you poor Edmontonians, I feel your pain!). But like at home, we are doing pretty much the norm: decorating!

My parents have very traditional tastes mixed with a touch of bling (think HUGE antique gilt frames) and a smidge of french country simplicity. So it is a far departure from our solid white abode. But we have been having a blast.

This painting is one of my Dad's favorites and greets you opposite the front door. I also love this painting because it was one of the only pieces of art that stayed in place for our wedding, and it depicts a spanish wedding.

Just yesterday my mom scoped out this amazing antique folding screen! We have been looking for something to fill a whole wall in the dining room so she had the genius idea to take it apart and hang it as art.

It looks beatiful and really adds a lot of drama~

The last couple of days our focus has primarily been on the sitting room just off the kitchen. We decided to add pops of blue and green, in lighter hues to make it a little more fun.

We found this chair at Pier 1 yesterday and wanted it so badly we took the floor model home right away. The blue and grey pin stripes are perfect, in fact I think I need this chair at home now!

Last week we picked up this book case so we can fill it up with all the cook books and decorating books. It is the exact color as the new kitchen cabinets so it ties everything together well, and the lighter upholstery really feel fresh near it. We are still undecided on the fruit art above, but we will figure it out...

One of our other gems was this large oil canvas at TJ Maxx on clearance! We love it, but think it needs something more so we are going to do an aged monogram H just above the bough of fruit tonight with some gold paint and stain. We will share the results tomorrow hopefully!

We still have to pull together some more stuff and accessories but we are getting there and I should have a full tour for you by the end of our stay.
Now we are off to burn some credit cards at the outlets!!