Holly Baker


Victorian-cottage dresser

I think it is safe to say that I have a love affair going with labelled pulls. I would probably use them on everything if I didn't know better. But they are still my favorite for large dressers. I finished this one about a month ago for our dining room... grey with hints of white peeking through... all of my favorite things combined in one piece!
Even some glamorous pulls. Maybe not quite what some would consider 'in the style of the dresser' but I liked them so they went on!

But you see, there is some sort of baby boom occurring. I think almost every. single. dresser. I have painted this summer went to a nursery or toddler. And I have a hard time saying no to an expectant mom!

So our dining room sideboard is currently travelling 800 kilometers to a nursery.
And please don't be shocked when I pretty much replicate this whole look on another dresser for the same spot~