Stripped Down Dresser
I did some interesting refinishing a couple weeks ago. The interesting part was that I stripped it down, but didn't paint it. I felt kind of lost when my work was done at the point I usually feel it is just beginning.
It came about when Sean told me he wanted a different dresser as his night stand. He wanted more storage.
So I took him on a thrift store run and look what he found! I know it looks JUST like the dresser we already have in there. AND it's already white! But guess what?
This dresser is metal. The whole thing!
We immediately fell in love with it and how unique it was. In years and years of painting furniture I've never ever came across one. I knew they existed, but hadn't ever seen one in person. So I stripped it down, years and years of different paint. ALMOST all the way down.
Leaving just enough patina to keep it from feeling too tool-chest-like. Once it was done we decided it looked far more lovely in the living room so we were still left hanging for Sean's bedside dresser...
So we moved this new/old dresser upstairs and it feels perfect.
The wood is the perfect warmth for the room. And he has 3 whole drawers to hold his sock collection!
This is what I call a win-win.
And I will definitely be dragging the poor guy out thrifting way more often if this is what happens!