
Spring Shop Finds

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I have Spring on my brain! I just uploaded a ton of new blankets to my etsy shop and you can definitely see a pattern: all the blankets are super happy and in spring-like colors.

It was brought to my attention on Instagram that most people had no idea I had an etsy shop, so please excuse the fact that I've mentioned it twice this week. I just want everyone to see all these beauties and find them loving new homes!

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My favorites are always the brightest, funnest colors. I was given a handmade blankie for Wren at her baby shower and the lovely friend of my Mom's who made it wrote me the sweetest card. Paraphrasing here, but she wanted to give Wren a special blanket that not only kept her warm but was the start of her best adventures. Because with a little imagination a blanket can be anything from a fort to a magic carpet to a cape for a child. The adventures are limitless!
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I am hoping these blankets have the some good travels and adventures in their future as well.
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Be sure to check out these (and MANY more goodies) by clicking here.