Friday (and a little giveaway)
I did a little shopping this week while making a return to Indigo. I ordered a candle online that arrived shattered, but discovered that when I went to return instore there was an amazing sale going on!
I scooped up a new candle (hello! $9.50 for the large jar Voluspa candles in Laguna, regular $30) a pair of floral sheers I have been coveting for what seems like ages. They keep popping up in all my favorite instagram feeds and I am tired of wiping goop and sap off my scissors with all the garden trimmings Wren and I have been doing to bring in the house. And I bought my first ever key chain.
Yes, you heard right. My FIRST key chain. I always only have a house key and car keys so I just attach the two and call it a day. I thought this little one was so adorable and happy that I finally took the plunge (don't laugh guys!).
I wish I could pull an Oprah and give you the car key too. Sorry, I'm too average and this isn't a highly profitable blog so we'll just settle with the key chain.
(look at it like I'm saving you a ton of taxes! you're welcome)
I also wish I could buy like 5,000 and give you each one (divide that by 1,000 for how many surprises I have next week though!) but since I was only able to snap up one extra I thought me and one of you could be long distance besties and rock matching key chains.
How grade 5 of me, right?
I just love the simple white leather, gold ring, and adorable stamped lettering.
If you kinda like it too and want to sign up for best friend status all you have to do is enter here.
I promise, there will be no single-white-female-style stalking on my end!
And because it's Friday, of course I had to share a quick shot of some fun we've been having outside with this beautiful weather. Wren has transformed our sidewalk into the ultimate happy-zone.
Good luck and happy Weekend!!