

[ picture from my instagram ]
Last night we celebrated both my Dad and Sister's birthdays at our favorite restaurant. They are only born one day apart so we always combine the festivities. 

I was also busy this week with beginning my office transformation. But before I start the makeover I promised to share the highly cluttered current state.

So much stuff, so unorganized. 

But I have a vision that will require a little effort but not a lot of money, thanks to using stuff that was otherwise unused around the house. And I have started the makeover with a few cans of spray paint!
[ picture from my instagram ]
My $15 red chair is no longer red and a couple other pieces also got a quick coat of paint which I will share next week.

I am also over on Heather's blog, Life Made Lovely, today with a little home tour! I don't know if I've done one single post with most of the rooms in their currents states so be sure to go check it out here. Thanks for having me Heather!

Have a great weekend!