Fresh Coat Fridays
If you've stopped by in the last day or so and happened to notice a new button over on the left hand side bar, you were probably wondering what that heck that is? Ta Da!
It's our newest blog feature! Starting next Friday, and every Friday afterwards I want YOU to share your projects with me. You can do that by either submitting your images (before and after, or just after if you like) to me by email and I will be happy to post them, or you can link your blog/website in our link generator that will be at the bottom of every Fresh Coat Friday post so we can check out what you have been up to!
There is really no limitation on Fresh Coat Fridays, it can be anything from a piece of furniture to a wall to a painting. Anything you have painted, recently or maybe just a good project you want to share again, can be shared!
So get your brushes wet and ready to share for NEXT Friday.