November Candle of the Month
I can't believe how fast this whole year, but specifically this Fall, has gone by. I am happy because we have not yet seen any snow, and the temperatures have been very mild considering we're wayyyy up here in Canada! We are used to often seeing our first snow fall around Halloween, sometimes it stays other times it melts within a day or two. But so far we are still enjoying fall.
For me November brings the excitement of pumpkin spice lattes and getting in my pre-holiday state of mind. I actually find November to be one of my favorite months because it has all the excitement before the holidays without the chaos of busy malls and last minute shopping. I am hoping to avoid the last minute shopping frenzy this year all together thanks to months of slowly collecting treasures that bring certain family members to mind. Plus I like the idea of giving small treasure chests of meaningful, thoughtful gifts that are one of a kind instead of mass produced items. To keep one step ahead this year Wren and I have been busy crafting special gift boxes that we will share next week~
One of the items that will be placed into more than a few of our treasure chests, despite the fact that it is mass produced, are these candles. You probably remember my rave about them in last months Candle of the Month post, and many of you had questions about where to purchase, so I thought I would dedicate another post to them so nobody misses the response hidden in the comments.
It is called Kitchen Clean and the candle is intended to purify the air after cooking, neutralizing any odors that come with garlic-y dinners! They come in a variety of scents but my favorites are Sea Salt Jasmine and this months scent: Green Tea and Honey. It is a really lovely Honey scent that has just a twist of Tea to it (as the name makes obvious LOL).
Sadly, I have NO IDEA where to tell anyone South of the border to find one. But if you are in Canada they are found at Real Canadian Superstore at the bargain basement price of $5!! If anyone in the US scouts one please share so we can let all our American friends in on the fun. And if I see them there again next week I think I will pick up a few and offer them to any American readers if they just want to pay for shipping costs in addition to the $5 price tag.
Do you usually have a candle burning in the kitchen too? If so, share your brands and scent so I can track down something new for next month!