
Master Bedroom

It has been over a year and a half since I wall papered the wall behind our bed and I think I've only shared snippets of our master bedroom since then, in an oh so clever attempt to avoid cleaning up all the laundry bins and random tidbits during the kitchen overhaul.

For all those who are new to our 3 year journey, here is a trip back in time to where we started.

The first reincarnation was done on a SHOE STRING budget! Recycled furniture, homemade headboard and the addition of $26 in Ikea shelves to suffice as night stands.

Then we punched it up a little with an at home paint concoction I mixed up for the perfect charcoal grey.

And after adding an old dresser and desk as night stands, some new bedding and wall paper we have our latest version.

My side of the bed has a repurposed old school desk holding books, art and a few trinkets.

When you live with a man who is sooooo supportive of whitewashing the whole house you have to let a few of ideas slide through. Like a giant TV staring you dead in the face every morning! Ironically, I think I've used the thing more than he has and have caught numerous great old movies during my 2 am insomnia sessions.

I fell in love with our duvet cover on our holiday last year during a stop at PomPom interiors. It was quite a splurge so I wasn't able to convince Sean we needed the matching linen shams. Thankfully I scored a couple of these awesome linen euro shams at Ikea recently in the as is section for $10! Now I just need to buy another pillow insert~

Surprisingly, the duvet cover is by far the most expensive item in our room! Both of our nightstands were $15 finds I painted up and replaced hardware on and the mirror was a freebie, also painted up.

The other bed linens all come from Kohl's, they have a beautiful line of ruffled white shams, sheets and bed skirts that are almost always on sale!
I think this is one of the hardest rooms to photograph in our house. It always looks washed out and over exposed in photos, but in person the grey paisley wall paper pops off the wall and adds just enough personality for my taste. Wish I could remember the manufacturer of the paper because I want to do the powder room too!!

I'm sooooo happy that all our "down stairs" furniture and accessories are back down stairs and not crowding all our bedrooms, but of course my wheels are always turning and I am already working on tracking down a new and improved headboard/bedframe.... And the progress continues here!